As part of our discussions regarding the significant amount of frozen food which, as a consequence of the pandemic, will require shelf life extension, BFFF have been talking to colleagues at the British Contract Manufacturers and Packers Association (BCMPA).
For those of you who may be facing difficulties in following the normal route of relabelling, the BCMPA have several members who may be able to assist in carrying out this work.
To find out more please visit https://bcmpa.org.uk/ then follow the instructions below to navigate your way to a list of the relevant BCMPA members:
- Once on the BCMPA homepage click on the first tab entitled ‘SEARCH MEMBERS’
- In the ‘Quick Search’ section expand the ‘Choose a Sector’ list and tick ‘Food’
- In the ‘Refine Search’ section expand the ‘Contract Packing’ list and tick ‘Labelling/Barcoding’
- Finally, expand the ‘Contract Manufacturing’ list and tick ‘Chilled/Frozen’
You will then be able to find out more information on each BCMPA member in your refined list including details of how to contact them directly.
Should you wish to reach out to BCMPA directly then you can do this by using the online enquiry form here or alternatively if you require further assistance then please email EmmaVerkaik@bcmpa.org.uk . They will be more than happy to help you to identify your best options.