This week we are pleased to welcome Andy Lister to the BFFF team. Andy takes up the position of Membership Engagement Executive supporting the Federation’s drive to create an effective strategy around member recruitment and retention.
Andy has a background in Marine Biology, graduating from the University of Hull in 2003 after starting work in the industry in 1997. Having worked in many aspects of fish keeping, from Public Aquariums and Zoos, Food Production (including OEM) and managing a retail store he has a hugely varied career in a relatively niche industry. Since 2011, Andy has been working in direct B2B sales dealing directly with some of the largest retail companies in the UK.
In his personal life Andy is married to Lui and a dad to two boys, Austin and Felix and a Springer puppy, Finn. A huge fan of Newcastle United, he gets up to St. James’ Park at every opportunity.
Bringing a strong background in Sales, Customer Relations Management and Science, Andy is thrilled to have joined us at the BFFF and is extremely excited to be starting a career in a new industry!
Andy uses a large amount of frozen Veg and loves cooking with as much spice as possible. His boys would tell you that Ice Pops are the best frozen product available.
In the coming weeks you can expect to see and hear more from Andy as he ‘dives in at the deep end’ contacting and visiting BFFF members.
You can reach out to Andy on Tel: 01400 283 092 / Mob: 07540 101 119 / Email: andylister@bfff.co.uk