Bidvest Foodservice announces plate2planet Live Summit
To mark first anniversary of sustainability initiative
plate2planet, led by Bidvest Foodservice – the online home of discussion and ideas around sustainability in the sector – is holding its first ever summit, “plate2planet Live”, in London this November to mark a year since its launch.
The day-long event will feature high-profile speakers and delegates from across the industry who will discuss some of the most pressing sustainability issues faced by the foodservice sector. This inaugural event will take place on Tuesday 8th November at Barber-Surgeon’s Hall, Moorgate.
Hosted by Steve Malkin, CEO of Planet Mark, and featuring notable speakers and thought-provoking panel debates, including how to tackle waste management and the healthy eating agenda, the programme promises to be lively and interactive. Influencers will be attending from a wide range of organisations to share ideas, best practice and thoughts on how to ensure a sustainable future.
Set up by the UK’s leading foodservice provider last year, plate2planet.co.uk is a forward- thinking initiative bringing together some of the UK’s most progressive foodservice companies to discuss and share ideas around sustainability issues. The website has since grown to include four new industry partners, as well as hundreds of thought-leadership articles exploring topics such as effective waste management and sugar reduction.
“We are very proud that less than a year on from launch, plate2planet is hosting its first industry summit,” said Shirley Duncalf, Head of Sustainability at Bidvest Foodservice.
“We set up this initiative with the hope that it would spearhead dialogue and change within the foodservice industry. The expansion and popularity of the website over the past year is phenomenal and plate2planet Live will help us shape the direction of change in the future.”
For more information on the event, or plate2planet, please visit: http://www.plate2planet.co.uk/planet2planet-live-summit/