Campden BRI BRC v8 briefing seminars
Version eight of BRC Global Food Safety Standard is due to be released in August. Companies will be audited against the new standards from February 2019. BRC Global Food Safety Standard is the world’s largest food safety standard, with over 25,000 certificates issued annually.
Campden BRI’s BRC v8 briefing seminars, taking place during Autumn 2018, provide a timely opportunity to find out about the many changes to the standard and what your business will have to do to comply. Some of the key changes include:
- Compulsory food safety culture
- Whistle blowing mechanisms
- FSMA compliance requirements
- Protection of digital documents
- Internal audits
- Supplier approval / monitoring split
- Traceability procedure
- Food defence
- Environmental monitoring
- Fully validated cooking instructions
- Creation of a “new” section 8
- Section 9 – traded goods
Attendees will be given an overview of changes and protocol by BRC technical director, David Brackston, and will learn about environmental monitoring and food defence from Campden BRI food safety management system expert Richard Leathers. Bertrand Emond, Campden BRI, will talk about food safety culture and there will be a Q&A session.
These seminars are suitable for technical managers, those who work on supplier quality assurance schemes and auditors within the food industry.
Our training team will be happy to help with any enquiry on +44(0)1386 842104 or at training@campdenbri.co.uk
moya.woolley@campdenbri.co.uk, +44(0)1386 842247
Campden BRI (www.campdenbri.co.uk) provides technical, legislative and scientific support and research to the food and drinks industry worldwide – with a comprehensive “farm to fork” range of services covering agri-food production, analysis and testing, processing and manufacturing, safety, training and technical information services. Members and clients benefit from industry-leading facilities for analysis, product and process development, and sensory and consumer studies, which include a specialist brewing and wine division.