Yearsley Logistics and Park Cakes make Christmas a success for Marks and Spencer’s Food to Order customers.
If there is one area of logistics that needs to be successful it is getting a customer “food to order” correct in the crucial Christmas period! And that is just what Yearsley Logistics manged to do with Park Cakes deliveries into Marks and Spencer’s stores this year.
The contract, which was won early in 2015, saw up to 7000 pallets of regular and seasonal stock being stored in Yearsley Logistics Heywood store throughout the year.
With the easy part over the test came during December when the 2500 pallets of seasonal lines including the traditional Christmas cake and hand decorated chocolate masterpieces were taken out of storage and tempered ready for delivery.
Delivery of the “food to Order” and other seasonal lines took place during the first 3 weeks of December.
Dedicated personnel from both Yearsley Logistics and Park Cakes worked together to ensure a successful outcome and a delighted Marks and Spencer’s.
George Walsh from Park Cakes declared, “Change always brings risk, but Yearsley Logistics managed our contract extremely professionally and resourcefully to ensure a very positive outcome this Christmas. We were always aware that the Heywood site had the physical capacity to do the job, but the excellent on site systems, high technical standards and the commitment of the team all combined to make a successful holiday season.”
Not to be left out the ever popular Mince Pie was also high on Yearsley Logistics agenda with in excess of 4 million mince pies despatched to M&S stores during December alone.