We are pleased to advise that BFFF CEO has joined the WRAP Courtauld Commitment 2025 steering group. The overarching purpose of the group is to provide oversight, advice and insight to guide the successful delivery of the Commitment’s ambition. With a wide range of expertise on the steering group it brings a wealth of insight and knowledge helping to direct the work of WRAP in supporting the achievement of the Courtauld 2025 commitments across a wide range of topics. As the role of sustainable food production takes on an ever-greater focus it is critical that initiatives such as the United Nations SDG goals are translated into action.
Richard commented “ I felt it was important to be part of and to contribute to this important group from both a BFFF perspective but also based upon my extensive experience and knowledge of the UK and European food market. We all have a role to play in improving sustainability and the health of the planet, so if I can help the group in some small way it is a worthwhile endeavour”