June 2021 – Further Guidance on RIDDOR Reporting of Covid-19
This guidance gives further detail to help you determine if you need to make a report and provides some
principles to use when assessing the information available and making your judgement. It has been developed
to assist responsible persons in determining whether reports need to be made.
Further Covid RIDDOR Reporting
November 2020
We were recently dealt with a query from a BFFF member company. Six of their workers at the same site were tested positive for COVID-19. Although they had worked in the same facility, they worked in different parts of the site and there was no external contact out of work. The site is COVID safe with robust processes and procedures in place. The question was raised do we report under RIDDOR?
We provided the following information to this member company:
Dangerous Occurrence reportable under RIDDOR – When an unintended incident at work has led to someone’s possible or actual exposure to coronavirus. This must be reported as a dangerous occurrence. (An example would be an incident in a laboratory exposing an employee to the virus).
Reportable Disease Under RIDDOR – A worker has been diagnosed as having COVID 19 and there is reasonable evidence that it was caused by exposure at work.
It would only require reporting if there was occupational exposure in a social care setting or NHS setting etc. or if it is totally obvious that the business had no controls in place or not implementing an isolation policy etc. This has been clarified by our primary authority.
For more information on RIDDOR and COVID, please see the link below: