Recognising that the Food Industry is an essential part of the UK’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has issued a wealth of information, advice and support to mitigate any increased cyber threat at this critical time.
As the COVID-19 situation evolves, attackers could exploit this unprecedented event and the ensuing rapid IT and organisational change that you are likely to be undergoing. Please take the time to read the information provided here which highlights the most important preventative measures that you can take to reduce the likelihood of becoming a victim.
It also outlines support that the NCSC can provide to your organisation including detail of the Cyber Security Information Sharing Partnership (CiSP). By signing up to CiSP (for free!) it enables the NCSC to exchange cyber threat information with you in real time, in a secure, confidential and dynamic environment. This will assist you in keeping ahead of the emerging threat.
To those enrolled in CiSP, the NCSC also offer a free network abuse management reporting service called “CNR Network Reporting” (CNR). This helps CiSP members to secure and protect their corporate IT infrastructure. The application form to sign up for this service can be found here
Other publications which may be useful are listed below. With so many of us now using video conferencing to carry out our daily business, we would particularly recommend that you read the guidance on using video conferencing services safely:
- Blog post on cloud back-up. This provides a timely, COVID-19 leaning, reminder for organisations to just check on how their backups are being handled.
- Cyber Aware hub site – an area for the Cyber Aware campaign which will evolve and ultimately provide advice and guidance for the general public especially with the threat of coronavirus scams etc.
- Suspicious Email Reporting Service (SERS) – a webpage and email inbox which gives people an opportunity to report suspicious messages to the NCSC.
- Video Conferencing services: using them securely – guidance for individuals and families about the use of video conferencing software.
- Video conferencing services: guidance for organisations – advice about how businesses can use video conferencing safely and securely.
- Video conferencing: new guidance for individuals and organisations (BLOG POST) – content from Rich M introducing the two new pieces of guidance.
- Public urged to flag coronavirus related email scams as new online campaign launches (PRESS RELEASE) – news item to carry all of the above to the media.