As we live through times of unprecedented change the Government are similarly introducing unprecedented measures to support businesses across the country.
One such scheme is the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS) and we are aware that many of you will be looking to utilise this along with others available.
We have been made aware by some Members of difficulties they are experiencing in accessing the CBILS. In our position as the industry federation we have already raised these difficulties at the highest level in Government, however we would like to offer some guidance for you as Members should you be encountering difficulties with the lender of your choice.
It is important that you immediately engage with your own local Member of Parliament. If you are unsure who this is then we can assist you with this. MP’s have a unique access to specific lines of communication to effect swift resolutions to any difficulties that businesses may be encountering. Through these they can make representations on your behalf to remove or alleviate obstacles you may be encountering.
In our representations we have stressed the absolute urgency of the situation that you as members will be facing and we believe this has been acknowledged. We will continue to act on your behalf to make what representations we can and as such please let us know of any specific difficulties you may be having so that we can make these part of any further communications we have