Dalziel Ingredients’ forecast for a sizzling summer
Dalziel Ingredients is giving food manufacturers a ‘heads up’ on what’s hot for BBQ season, with an innovative customised service that predicts products, trends and influences.
The UK specialist in bespoke seasoning blends, cures and functional ingredients will soon be starting their annual review of BBQ and summer eating habits and trends, which can be specially tailored for customers.
It covers retail chilled and frozen meat products, fish, sauces, snacks, ready to eat and vegetarian.
It’s one of a regular series of foody market reports published by the company’s product development and marketing team, which also includes a sausage report and Christmas review.
Last year’s BBQ report showed the UK’s flavour obsessions with worldwide influences, the increasing love of all things hot and childhood nostalgia with Cola and Dandelion & Burdock making an appearance.
The nation’s craving for sausages and burgers saw new varieties of hot dogs and flavoured burgers, with many retailers selling more than five flavoured varieties.
Dalziel Ingredients’ product development team advises food manufacturers on new flavour concepts and trends, market analysis, factory processes, recipe formulations and product quality enhancements.
Denise McGrahan, Marketing Coordinator at Dalziel Ingredients, said that the company’s BBQ report is an invaluable resource to customers.
“We help clients look for interesting ways to add a new twist to their BBQ products. At our state-of-the-art development centre, we focus on taking ideas and delivering appealing, commercially viable end-products.
“As the UK market for everyone’s favourite summer pastime grows year on year, so do the variety of flavours we use.
“We evaluate current and past trends to helps clients keep ahead on developing concepts and flavours. Importantly, we are able to customise presentations to suit the customer’s needs.”
Dalziel Ingredients is now focused on current health trends, including salt and sugar reduction and replacers. Equally, the team is developing new product ideas in increased protein and fat reduction.
All Dalziel Ingredients’ products – seasonings, complete mixes, rubs, glazes, functional blends, batters, crumbs, snack seasonings, cures and brines – can be developed as gluten free, and existing products can re reformulated to be gluten free.
Functionality, appearance and flavour are all important trademarks of the Dalziel Group, which has a heritage as a market leading, family owned food service specialist going back nearly 90 years.
Visit www.dalzielingredients.co.uk or tel: 0191 469 3078 or email info@dalzielingredients.co.uk to arrange a customised presentation.