Debt recovery – the industry has changed, but have you?
8.30am – 10.30am, Tuesday 21st July 2015
Kingsgate Conference Centre, Peterborough PE1 4YT
A free seminar for credit control professionals.
Recent changes in legislation and an increase in court fees have changed the focus of debt recovery professionals. In an informative and practical session, Leigh White, Debt Recovery Manager at Roythornes, will cover the key changes and highlight areas where you may need to review the way you work.
Topics to be covered by Leigh include:
- Pre-Action considerations
- The importance of debtor profiling
- Your rights under the Late Payment of Commercial Debts Regulations
- The legal process and enforcement options
We will be joined by Alan Smith, of the High Court Enforcement Group.
Alan sits as a Director and Treasurer of the High Court Enforcement Officers’ Association. He has worked on the expert working group with the Security Industry Authority on a future licensing of enforcement agents and also worked closely with the Ministry of Justice to develop a new fee scale for High Court Enforcement.
He will be talking about how the use of the Taking Control of Goods Regulations can help in your recovery processes:
The Tribunals Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 and the Taking Control of Goods Regulations procedures
- The new fee scale and how it works at each enforcement stage
- The new Third Party Claim procedure for High Court Enforcement
- The Exempt Goods Claim Procedure for High Court Enforcement
Aimed at anyone with responsibility for credit management, this free seminar is a great way to consider your debt strategies and ensure your processes are optimised for the new regime.
Click Here to reserve your place at what promises to be an informative event in one of the following easy ways:
On-line: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/DebtRecovery210715
By e-mail: markdodds@roythornes.co.uk
Please reply by Tuesday 14th July 2015