by Chillistick Ltd
Oct 12th, 2022
4 mins

Frozen Delivered Ltd offers a frozen food fulfilment service. Working for a wide range of brands from ice cream to ready meals products, stored in our large freezer rooms. When requested items are picked and packaged and sent out for delivery next day nationwide.

To ensure that the food arrives frozen the following day it is wrapped in insulating material along with dry ice.

At its sister plant Frozen Delivered manufactures dry ice which is used to keep food products completely frozen throughout the journey from storage to customers nationwide.

However, all is not well in the world of dry ice and the past few months have been especially testing. This is why.

Dry ice is solid carbon dioxide gas (CO2). COis usually produced as a by-product when hydrogen  is manufactured, an important step on the way to making fertilisers:

This shows how dependent dry ice is on the price of natural gas which may not be an obvious connection at first sight, and this is why anyone in using CO2 has seen hair raising price rises over the past months, in some case prices have risen by over 500%.

This process accounts for most CO2 production around the world……The CO2 market has started to stabilise even though there are surcharges still in place. The question for consumers is:

‘Will there be another disruption?’ The answer is that, given the uncertainly with energy markets and historical problems, no one knows.

Fortunately, there is another, better way of making CO2 – using bioreactors. Frozen Delivered uses 100% plant-based CO2 from this source. Apart from being the most sustainable way to make CO2 it has nothing to do with the price of natural gas:

Nicky Weatherup Director of fulfilment comments:

‘We planned the switch from fossil fuel-based CO2 just over 24 months ago. I am  delighted to say that our customers have not had any dry ice related disruption or price changes over this last difficult month thanks to our new CO2 supply and whilst the situation is difficult we remain quietly confident about the future’

If you would like to know more about frozen food fulfilment and sampling, please call 020 3778 1977 – For dry ice enquiries please call 020 3432 9412 –


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