Emerging ingredients: Campden BRI seminar
For food and drink manufacturing companies to remain innovative and competitive, they need to be aware of emerging ingredients to allow market differentiation. There also need to identify new solutions for delivering nutritious products that meet dietary needs, and to reformulate to remove allergens (e.g. dairy and gluten). However, as new ingredients emerge onto the market, or enter from other sectors such as Asia and the US or from different product applications, there is a need for clear information on if and how they can be used in specific products.
Emerging ingredients: considerations for their use, a Campden BRI seminar to be held on 15 June (see www.campdenbri.co.uk/emerging-ingredients.php), will provide information on a range of ingredients and considerations for their use. In particular, it will cover:
- An update on work that has been conducted at Campden BRI
- Considerations when using a range of emerging / ‘trendy’ ingredients (regulatory, quality, flavour, etc.)
- Potential areas of new development
For further information on the event, go to the event web page – or contact Daphne Llewellyn-Davies +44(0)11386 842040 daphne.davies@campdenbri.co.uk