Environmental Company in Tree Removal Scheme Shocker!
Energy and Environmental Consultancy Company, Blue Caste Group, have today admitted that they have sanctioned the removal of hundreds, possibly thousands of small trees. Group CEO Marie Harley was quoted as saying “We’ve had enough of the trees, they have become outdated and no longer fit in with the groups objectives.”
Before you start up an online petition or email Marie to express your outrage it should be made clear that no real trees have been harmed, Blue Castle Group are referring to the groups new branding and matching website. The old and dated looking ‘tree’ motif has been replaced by a modern colourful scheme that better reflects the diversity of the products and services offered across the Blue Castle Group that incorporate Energy, Waste, Water and Telecoms products.
Stuart Fraser of brand design company Brain-Storm has been working with Blue Castle Group for the past three months to produce the new designs and website “David Brighton, the Commercial Director of Blue Castle Group, approached me as they wanted something more modern that better reflected the group as a whole and working with David we have designed a new logo and related scheme along with a new website that quickly shows anyone looking at the logo what it is that Blue Castle Group do”.
The new branding features a striking new logo and also features four small icons that clearly shows what services are offered across the companies within the Blue Castle Group.