GS1 UK comments on Kantar Worldpanel Grocery Market Share figures
Gary Lynch, CEO of GS1 UK comments on Kantar Worldpanel Grocery Market Share figures: “The German supermarkets are going British as consumers demand local products. While prices are rising, shoppers still prioritise products with clear origins. Those retailers who’ve decided to move towards more British suppliers are seeing the fastest growth. Lidl’s Surprises campaign is helping the retailer to shift perception about the quality and source of its produce, with 70% of its core range for coming from British suppliers. This has allowed the retailer to boost sales by 15% year-on-year. Lidl has further supported this move by signing up to the NFU’s Back British Charter.
“Meanwhile, Aldi is making the case that it’s the most ‘British’ supermarket, with 77% of its produce coming from UK suppliers. The move from pretzel to pasty is proving popular, with sales growth of 14.3%. Morrison’s is the only one of the big four to see a pickup of sales and this has been aided by moving towards local produce. As the Yorkshire supermarket adds 200 more British suppliers this year, this growth should continue.
“GS1 research shows that Tesco offered the most opportunities for small British suppliers. But in second place Waitrose offered significantly more than others relative to its market share. With continuous growth in Waitrose’s market share for nine years, consumers clearly like what they see on the shelves.”
GS1 UK have produced a report into ‘Buying British in 2017’ which is available online.
About GS1 UK
GS1 UK is a community of over 31,000 members working in retail, foodservice, healthcare and more. GS1 UK is one of 112 independent, not-for-profit GS1 organisations operating across 150 countries worldwide. GS1 UK helps everyone involved in making, moving and trading goods, automate and standardise their supply chain processes using the common language of GS1 global standards.