How to get the best price for your electricity
Since August 2017, the wholesale price of electricity has increased from £45/MWh to £53.50/MWh representing a short term increase in underpinning energy prices of 18%. The energy market place can be confusing and, with several hundreds of brokers, it is often difficult to know who to trust and who will deliver the service that is required.
With FEC Energy you are just one call away from finding the best energy deal, whether you’re buying or selling; from simple fixed price contracts to more complex trading for big energy users. We place thousands of new contracts every year and are experts at finding our way around the different suppliers, tariffs and offers. Each year we save customers £1 million on their electricity bills alone.
To get the best price and contract terms for your business, with no hassle give the team a call on 0845 6970 419. We sort out everything for you and all you have to do is sign your news contract and enjoy the savings.