We Love Cake register some of their lines with the Vegan Society
In addition to the rise in demand for gluten, wheat and milk free products, there has been a large increase in the number of consumers looking for Vegan products – with a reported half a million Vegans currently living in the UK (Ipsos MORI). As a result, We Love Cake have registered some of their vegan and gluten, wheat & milk free lines with The Vegan Society.
John Hine, National Food Service Account Manager said “with the rapid growth in the number of Vegans across the UK, it has never been more important for food service outlets to provide catering options for Vegans”
The We Love Cake lines which have been registered with the Vegan society include the best-selling lines in the range; Chocolate & Orange Tart & Sweet Pastry Mince Pies, along with some of their traditional favourites of Cranberry & Pecan Flapjack, Apple Crumble Slice and Apple Lattice Pie.
Vegan lines within We Love Cake range: Apple Crumble Slice, Cranberry & Pecan Flapjack, Chocolate & Orange Tart, Apple Lattice Pie & Mince Pie.