Company Profile
Manufacturer of high quality raw and cooked Sausages, meatballs ,burgers, Kebabs, stuffing balls ,slug's and logs savoury dumplings and cobblers all of which can be made in various sizes.
A large range of hand held snacks(filled wraps and Burritos) also snacking items such as Cheese burgers, doner Kebabs, Southern fried chicken burgers.
Our Meat the Alternative brand offers a large range of meat free products, mince, chicken style piece, pulled and shredded, meatballs and burgers and hand held snacks.
We pride ourselves on high quality using the best ingredients at a fair price whilst offering a personal touch with a dedicated NPD team and state of the art facility the factory alone has had over5 million pounds spent on it.
We can pack in various formats retail and bulk and manufacture in various volumes across all market sectors.
Company Details
Pendleton, Salford
M6 6WF, United Kingdom