Microbiological criteria – Campden BRI seminar
Microbiological criteria are a key part of a product specification. They are used to help define the acceptability of a batch of foodstuffs, and can be applied at key points in the ‘life’ of a foodstuff – from raw ingredient to final product. microbiological criteria can be legal entities or can be self–imposed by food business operators help to improve quality.
A wide variety of food microbiological criteria exist, and it can be quite difficult to know what is relevant. A Campden BRI seminar (see www.campdenbri.co.uk/micro-criteria-foodstuffs.php), to be held on 10 March, will describe the importance of microbiological criteria, discuss sampling for microbiological hazards, and descibe the work carried out at Campden BRI to create a searchable database and a ‘Microbiological Criteria for Foods’ Guideline.
Event Director Phil Voysey comments: “The seminar will give an important reminder of the importance of microbiological criteria for foods from the perspective of the Food Business Operator and the Competent Authority. There will be an opportunity to hear about and try out a new microbiological criteria searchable database for foods, which will be an invaluable tool for setting and understanding microbiological criteria for foods internationally. The seminar will also be an opportunity to hear about new initiatives from the IFST on microbiological criteria.”
For further information on the seminar – please contact Daphne Llewellyn-Davies on +44(0)1386 842040 daphne.davies@campdenbri.co.uk