New Targets for Calorie Reduction
Public Health England (PHE) issued last week the long-awaited targets for calorie reduction across a range of 12 product categories.
The targets are broadly similar for both Retail and Food Service in 6 of the categories where they see a common category across both channels. They have then given another 6 categories which are for ‘in home’ consumption.
Members can access the targets by following this link:
PHE advise they will produce progress reports in 2022 and 2024 with a final report in 2025.
If any member wishes to discuss or seek guidance from the Federation, then please contact us. We are also happy to feed any concerns or comments back to PHE.
We will also be discussing this topic during our next Technical Expert Group meeting in October, so please feel free to send any points you wish to raise by the end of September, should you wish them to be included.