Non-invasive thermometry system, Celsius, set to broaden its reach into the European market place
After proving its qualities at home in the UK, European food manufacturers are next in line to benefit from Cerulean’s accurate, sustainable, non-destructive equipment.
Maintaining an optimum temperature range has always been critical for food manufacturers the world over, as the reproduction of harmful micro-organisms or the formation of toxins can occur in either cold or warm ambience.
All food naturally emits tiny amounts of electromagnetic radiation, so using the Faraday cage principle, Celsius detects the radio energy from samples and converts these readings into temperature values. This process only takes a few seconds and any item can be measured between -30°C to +30°C. The equipment has an easy to follow GUI and the operation process is quick and simple.
SCS SL, a private company located in Irun (North Spain), are one business who has recently become a distributor of Celsius. Focused on niche engineering products, the company provide quality control and engineering solutions for the packaging sector and most of their customers are FMCG and private companies on the Iberian Peninsula. An agreement with Cerulean came into effect in November 2017 with distributor training taking place in December.
SCS SL Managing Director Claudio K. Otremba said “Celsius products were first introduced to us during a major industry fair in Germany last May. What we like the most about Celsius is that it offers a unique solution, it is a very well-made product and delivers a professional approach to thermometry. We have known the company and people behind it for more than a decade and after our in-house training, we are confident we can provide the same level of service and training to our own customers”.
The capabilities of Celsius remain unchanged whether the product is used in a UK or wider European manufacturing environment. The process us user-friendly – simply load the sample, close the door and automatic reading function delivers results on a visual display panel within a few seconds. A temperature log can be recalled for full traceability of measurements and results are automatically sent to a SQL database (Cerulean’s C-Dass software) for analysis with no physical data trail, eliminating any potential human errors.
Regardless of innovative quality, introducing something new into a foreign market brings unique challenges, but Cerulean Area Sales Manager Mark McMahon believes partnering with distributors like SCS SL will help companies see the potential of Celsius, he said, “Food manufacturers follow the local market customs and traditions and we understand that packaged, frozen and chilled foods are not as common in some European countries as others.
There are no similar solutions to ours on the market, so we are delighted distributors like SCS SL are introducing the idea of Celsius to manufacturers in regions such as Spain and Portugal. The feedback we have received so far has been positive and we are looking forward to showing the equipment to these manufacturers in person, as we remain confident our results speak for themselves”.
The latest range of Celsius instruments, Midi and Maxi, have evolved in recent times to offer larger and more responsive screens and upgraded operating platforms. Consequently, food manufacturers across Europe can rest assured they now have the capability to achieve the optimal, accurate insight needed to produce the results required by many market sectors, including all those regulated by HACCP.