Non-invasive thermometry system, Celsius, set to be demonstrated at FOODex 2018
Cerulean will be showcasing their accurate and sustainable equipment this April, in front of 30,000 attendees at the Birmingham NEC.
The UK show for processing, packaging and logistics is expected to be particularly well attended this year, possibly due to the current Food Standards Agency (FSA) investigation of meat cutting premises and cold stores taking place. This investigation has resulted in businesses reviewing their processes and aiming to upgrade to the safest and most accurate equipment currently available.
Celsius measures the average temperature of foodstuffs in the range -30°C to +30°C and displays and logs these readings for the operator. The process is user-friendly – simply load the sample, close the door and automatic reading function delivers results on a visual display panel within seconds. A temperature log can be recalled for full traceability of measurements. Results are automatically sent to a SQL database (Cerulean’s C-Dass software) for analysis with no physical data trail, eliminating any human error.
The non-destructive nature of Celsius also eliminates the need to remove packaging. It can only be beneficial for companies to show they are taking steps in reducing wastage, especially considering the statistics from the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) released in January 2018, showing food waste in the UK has increased by 4.4 per cent.
Speaking about the appeal of the show, Dan Dixon, Event Director, said: “Foodex presents the best opportunity to discover the latest innovations, technologies and talented individuals working to improve the sector, challenging new thinking and ensuring high-quality, safe products are available for consumers to purchase.”
Cerulean will not only be exhibiting at FOODex but will also have a fully operational Celsius Midi on the stand along with C-Dass, to simulate running and capturing data in real-time.
Mark McMahon, Cerulean Area Sales Manager said, “We are delighted to be demonstrating the capabilities of Celsius at the UK’s premier trade event for food processing, packaging and logistics. Our tried and tested equipment is already improving the sustainability footprint of manufacturers across the country and we understand it is more critical than ever for UK businesses to obtain accurate and reliable data. We are excited to support the shows aims of improving traceability, consumer trust and transforming industry productivity”.
Celsius demonstrations will be taking place at Stand Z249, Hall 3a, on the hour every hour, from Monday 16 – Wednesday 18 April 2018.