by Oakland International Ltd.
Mar 16th, 2021
5 mins

Multi temperature supply chain solutions provider Oakland International is encouraging overseas manufacturers to rethink the UK as a solution to border challenges and expensive transport costs.

With around half of the company’s trade coming from overseas manufacturers, Oakland International believes that there are real opportunities for many large and small businesses to embrace the possibilities available within the UK in terms of retail channels and supply chain network.

Oakland International’s CEO, Dean Attwell, explains: “UK has fantastic retail channels and probably the best supply chain network in the world.

“According to recent DEFRA stats, the UK is around 64% self-sufficient in food. The debate over the need for food security needs to be tied into the need for some types of food to travel such as milk, water, eggs etc. They can all be produced in the UK within regional supply chains and would drive significant environmental benefits and ultimately deliver against the sustainability agenda.

“Supermarkets have a major part to play in driving sustainability as they are the custodians of many brands’ frontline consumer engagement and have a role in upselling the benefits of sourcing locally and buying British produced and manufactured products.”

Oakland International believes manufacturers located outside of the UK should consider moving part of their operation to part-manufacture, as an end-of-line process, or full manufacture their products in the UK.

About to unveil plans for a carbon-neutral hub for manufacturers, Oakland International is taking the firm a step closer towards solving a national challenge for sustainability and protection of the environment.

Added Dean: “The British are very curious and supportive of new products and authentic foreign dishes, but there are ways in which we can work smarter with foreign brand owners who want to service the UK, bringing their know-how and equipment to a UK based manufacturing centre, located preferably near to their target market or supply chain partner, they can then take full advantage of being a local, regional or a national supplier to UK consumers, avoiding border challenges and expensive transport costs, product stock wastage and the shelf-life erosion associated with being in a separate country.”

Oakland International operates 24-hours/7 days a week and is a D2C/B2C/B2B specialist in contract packing, storage, picking, food distribution and a brand development support provider for ambient, chilled and frozen food to the retail, convenience, discount, wholesale and food service markets in the UK, Ireland and via their partner in Spain.


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