Oakland International gets stuck in for BITC Responsible Business Week
As part of their commitment as a socially responsible and ethical family business, through its charitable Foundation, Oakland International employees will be taking part in the Business in the Community’s (BITC) Responsible Business Week 2016 running from the 18th to 22nd April.

Barry Davies, Managing Director, said: “Oakland International is keen to share ideas and demonstrate how by working within our local community we can inspire and nurture ambition to create a fairer society and a more sustainable future for the next generation.”
Throughout Responsible Business Week, Oakland International together with the Oakland Foundation, have a number of activities planned.
Barry Davies added: “Every day next week we will be doing something different. Joining together for an Oakland Foundation volunteers’ lunch and working with local school pupils, through to sponsorship of Bromsgrove District Council’s Spirit of Bromsgrove Awards which celebrates community achievements, local sport and the arts.”