by Oakland International Ltd.
May 4th, 2022
5 mins

As the drive and appetite for saving good food from going to waste, a service which has been successfully running for two-decades, Oakland International’s accredited distress load management (DLM) service has been extended to cater for growing demand.

Based at their Midlands facility in Redditch, Oakland’s DLM service is BRC accredited, and an EHO approved solution for same day or next day treatment of distress loads. Trusted by major insurers able to attend Oakland’s site and witness the whole process and personally verify exact waste and consignment recovery levels, Oakland typically recovers over 85% of product, with stock deemed non-conforming due to contamination, human interference, damage etc. quarantined in line with Oakland’s HACCP procedure before disposal by external waste contactors with a certificate of destruction provided.

Oakland International’s CEO of Contract Logistics, Shaun Foley, commented: “We have a skilled QA team and as a market leader in this field we appreciate being highly regarded by the industry, insurers, the FSA and by the local EHO (Environmental Health Officer).”

Incorporating a CCTV monitored rework area and dedicated multi-temperature chambers providing storage for any work in progress and in-quarantine product, Oakland International is helping lead the way in this specialist field, with their DLM solution working with and treating damaged loads, metal contamination, shot loads, temperature abuse and pest contamination, such as flies, all part of its service offering, with instant digital reports ensuring rapid information transfer flows to key stakeholders.

A distress load is where food safety has possibly been compromised, anything from pallets moving in transit, to incorrect temperature or clandestine infiltration. Oakland International was the first DLM registered and UK recognised service provider to offer inspection and sortation of consignments where product safety was potentially challenged and encompasses approved scientific methods for measuring surface contamination.

Added Shaun: “Non-confirming stock or stock which may still be classed as ‘at risk’ is securely transferred to anaerobic digestion waste management partner. All conforming stock is topped, security taped and loaded back onto the cleaned and sanitised vehicle for onward delivery to its original destination.”

Oakland International operates 24-hours/7 days a week and is a D2C/B2C/B2B specialist in contract packing, storage, picking, food distribution and a brand development support provider for ambient, chilled and frozen food to the retail, convenience, discount, wholesale and food service markets in the UK, Ireland and via their partner in Spain.


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