Packaging hazards: Campden BRI seminar
Identification of hazards associated with food and drink is a long established and key priority within the industry. Hazards associated with packaging are less well documented and may not be considered, but they can affect the safety and quality of the product. With changes to legislation and issues being highlighted through the media and industry groups, it is important to firstly recognise what the hazards are and how they may affect your business, and then understand how to implement a plan to monitor or eliminate them.
A Campden BRI seminar, to be held on 21 March at the pro2pac exhibition at the ExCeL, London, will discuss:
- Identification of potential packaging hazards that should be considered
- Guidelines on migration testing
- Methods for decontamination of packaging materials
- HACCP to assess packaging hazards
For further information on the seminar – please contact Daphne Llewellyn-Davies on +44(0)1386 842040 daphne.davies@campdenbri.co.uk