Sep 18th, 2019
5 mins

Partner Project for Oakland International and Network Packaging

Network Packaging Sales Manager Emma Phimister and Oakland International Senior Accounts Assistant Christian Stokes

Multi temperature supply chain, distribution and logistics expert Oakland International, together with Network Packaging, a leading UK packaging and materials distributor, have confirmed that they will join forces for several beneficial partner projects.

Oakland International Senior Accounts Assistant, Christian Stokes, explained: “We are always keen to review every business project or service we offer with fresh eyes and to see how we can add value. The opportunity we identified was to keep bulk packaging stocks offsite so that we could utilise that production or product storage space more effectively, whilst also improving our stock management.

“By partnering with Network Packaging on a number of projects including packaging design and supply, warehouse consumables and contract packing machinery, we can now utilise our existing space more effectively and offer a business model whereby we can store bulk packaging offsite until needed, calling smaller stock quantities back to site as and when we need it.”

Benefits delivered via Oakland’s innovative partnership include economies of scale with product packaging ordered more cost-effectively, and in time the business will also benefit from centralising ordering.

Added Christian: “Working with Network Packaging will mean our stock levels can be delivered just in time with no need to hold large amounts of onsite stock. It should also enable us to focus on added value activities and increase productivity.”

A double BRC AA accredited business and a specialist at providing contract packing, storage, picking, food distribution and brand development support for ambient, chilled and frozen food, Oakland International supports retail, convenience, discount, wholesale and food service markets in the UK, Ireland and has a partner in Spain.

Network Packaging Sales Manager, Emma Phimister, commented: ‘’Network Packaging and Oakland International share a lot of common values, both being customer centric businesses seeking to work collaboratively, build partnerships, whilst being innovative to add value. For me having such similarities in our mindsets as two businesses is what has ensured our success whilst working together.

“There are many hidden costs associated with packaging, aside from the materials themselves, by spending time onsite observing the operation, speaking to key members of staff, we have been able to gain a true understanding of Oakland’s business and identified key areas that we felt we could make a difference with.

“We are proud to be in business with Oakland International and look forward to continuing to build a strong and successful partnership.’’


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