Last week HMRC ran two webinars outlining further details on the Plastic Tax that comes into force on 1st April 2022. The Tax of £200 per tonne will be applied to most plastic packaging unless it contains 30% recycled content. The first webinar was called “Introduction to Plastic Packaging Tax”, members can access a recording of the webinar by following this link). The second webinar was called “Plastic Packaging Tax -admin and technical aspects”, again members can access a recording by following this link. (note you will have to login to watch both of the recordings)
Members can also access some slides that we have created for our SIG Packaging meeting held on 16.11.21, these summarise the key points from both webinars. There is still more guidance to be published over the coming months as there are still many questions that need to be answered.
What is clear is that many members will find it impossible to use recycled content as the use of mechanically recycled material is not permitted in food contact packaging. Whilst there is now some chemically recycle material, it is very limited volumes and questions remain on how it can be verified. The key strategy should be to reduce the amount of film used.
If members would like more information or has questions, then please contact Siobhan O’Callaghan.