Plusfood Investigate Popularity of Poultry in Foodservice
Chicken continues to be a popular choice on menus, however the popularity of chicken dishes differs depending on which sector the caterer operates within. Independent research commissioned by Plusfood UK Ltd. into the popularity of poultry within foodservice has identified the preferred types of chicken and most popular flavours.
Within pubs, where meals are very much of the sit-down, dining-in style, the most popular types of chicken served to customers include chicken burgers, chicken wings and Southern fried chicken. These are either served as main meals or as part of a starter plate or sharing platter – chicken wings, for example, can be served in a large bucket for friends and family to enjoy, as a component of a sharing plate to be enjoyed during social occasions with a drink or two, or as an individual portion presented as a starter or main course dish. Poppin’ chicken and chicken wraps are also served in pubs, but are not as popular as the ‘classic’ menu dishes (as previously identified) which customers prefer to order most frequently.
Within universities, caterers identified the most popular chicken dishes served as being chicken burgers, chicken wraps and chicken wings. This reflects the takeaway, grab n go nature of eating on the move, desired by students – all can be eaten conveniently during the day. Southern fried chicken and poppin’ chicken dishes were sold, but were not as popular.
When it comes to flavours, pub operators considered American, Mexican and hot and spicy to be the most popular. American, hot and spicy, and Mexican were chosen as the most popular flavour choices within universities.
The results of the research undertaken by Plusfood show that there is not just one type of chicken that is popular within the industry. Depending on the sector in which you operate, the popularity of menu choices which contain chicken differ, highlighting the importance of using a supplier, such as Plusfood, that offers has a wide range of products available to suit the food choices preferred by the customers you serve.
Continual investment in NPD allows Plusfood to provide caterers with a choice of poultry products which help them satisfy consumer expectations, whether they choose to eat-in or takeaway their order. So whether you are looking to accommodate the latest food trends, styles and flavours; or are seeking new menu inspiration and serving suggestions, Plusfood has the answer! For further information, please call Plusfood on 01908 685000 or visit www.plusfood.co.uk.