Pupils Pancake Delight

Year 5 pupils at Ipsley CE RSA Academy were overjoyed to receive a scrummy pancake batter donation care of Oakland International via Redditch and Bromsgrove children’s charity the Oakland Foundation.
Oakland International and Foundation Trustee Hayley Smith commented: “Pancakes are delicious at any time and particularly on Shrove Tuesday or Pancake Day, so we are delighted to support the Oakland Foundation and pupils at Ipsley School.
“We are extremely grateful to SOS Wholesale Ltd who generously donated the pancake batter mix and sauce selection, which will enable all Year 5 children the chance to make pancakes at home with their families and share in this annual Shrove Tuesday celebration.”
Pancake Day or Shrove Tuesday, is the traditional day of feasting before Ash Wednesday, and the 40 days of Lent leading up to Easter. Shrove Tuesday enables Christians and those observing the Lent practice, to use up their surplus eggs and fats before embarking upon the traditional Lenten fast, with pancakes offering the perfect way of utilising these ingredients.
Ipsley CE RSA Academy Principal, Nicola Beech, said: “Once again, our pupils have been able to come together and mark Shrove Tuesday thanks to Oakland’s donation many pupils enjoyed making their pancake creations.”