On the 7th September the Specialist Interest Group on Packaging met via Zoom. The group heard from ExxonMobil about the work they are doing in developing chemical recycling of plastics, specifically flexibles.
The process takes plastic post-consumer and returns the material back to the raw components that makes plastic film in the first place. The have developed two systems, one a stand-alone converter and the second embedded into production sites that produce the material from virgin oil.
ExxonMobil are now checking with regulators across the USA and EU to ensure that recycled material will be acceptable to Governments before they undertake the significant investments this process will require to build scale.
ExxonMobil see this as a major step forward also that a combination of chemical and mechanical recycling will be the way forward.
The group then went onto discuss the Plastic Tax due to come into force in April next year. We agreed at the next meeting, scheduled for 16th Nov, we will look at ways to reduce material such as pallet wrap. If any member has expertise in this field, please reach out to us as we would like to arrange experts to come and present to us.
Also if any member would like to join the SIG Packaging Group, please contact Siobhan