Hastening cafeterias into an exciting and forward-looking savoury 21st century offer which combines the ambience of a fine dining environment with the pace of a fast food operation, Snowbird foods has generated a selection of specialist menu options which will add a new dimension to the sector.
It will mean operators can generate the speed and convenience of fast food service within a high class environment in which hot meals can quickly be generated without the cooking odours and environmental adulteration normally associated with frying.
At the heart of this are two functional ingredients – award-winning sausages and meatballs, all made from British meat. The clever bit is that they are all fully cooked and frozen at the production stage.
This means the products can be microwaved from frozen in seconds. That eliminates waste and avoids the smells and environmental distastefulness normally associated with hot fat or oil.
“High quality hot food, quickly prepared and served in a pleasant environment is what the sector has been asking for and this is exactly what we are able to give them,” said Snowbird commercial and marketing director, Roy Anderson.
The Snowbird portfolio of microwavable products (they can also be prepared quickly in batches in an oven) includes the classic pork, Lincolnshire and Cumberland sausages, plus a variant which could spearhead any menu.
It is a healthy, high fibre recipe with reduced fat and salt levels which is both dextrose and gluten free. With a meat content of 85%, it is immediately available in the pork, Cumberland and Lincolnshire variants.
“Thanks to a secret honey ingredient these sausages taste wonderful and are a glorious golden brown. We believe they will become an iconic flagship product for cafes,” said Mr. Anderson.
Snowbird’s meatballs deliver international variety and are low fat, low salt, low carbohydrate and always high quality.
Feature varieties include Italian style pork and beef, Moroccan lamb, Chilli beef, pork or beef and tomato, Mexican, pork and chorizo, gluten free beef, Swedish and a memorable pork and beef fireball. There’s even a beef and pork Bolognese meatball and a gluten free kofte, 92% of which is British lamb!