Nov 3rd, 2019
5 mins

Super Savings with Aviko Super Longs
(Test reveals £7,800 savings per year)


Aviko Foodservice put its Super Longs to the ultimate test to show operators the impact longer fries can have on platefill and profits.


Demonstrating the cost-savings longer fries can offer operators, Aviko’s 9.5mm Super Longs were pitted against three leading competitors testing yield, visual appeal, portion control and chip length. The results found that with the help of Super Longs, operators could gain a staggering 19 extra portions of fries per case – providing a saving of £7,800 a year*.

Mohammed Essa, Commercial Director UK and Ireland, Aviko, explains;

“These savings are significant for any business. We know how important it is to get the most out of every case and with Super Longs going 37% further than other leading brands, the positive impact can be huge, ultimately helping operators to decrease their bottom line and boost those profits.”


The results showed that operators who use 200 cases per month from an alternative brand could fulfil the same number of portions with only 142 cases of Super Longs, generating a total saving of 58 cases every month.


Mohammed adds;

“This is a massive win for operators! Not only can they benefit from better platefill with the visual appeal of overflowing fries, but they actually need less chips to fulfil each order. With the help of Super Longs, operators can increase their profit margins and make every case go further than ever before.”


Measuring 150g of each brand of fries, Super Longs proved to go the extra length for operators, offering greater platefill whilst requiring less chips per portion. Where nearly 50% of competitors’ chips measured between 0 – 5cm, Super Longs were leading the way with 85% of a portion being made up of fries over 5cm in length and 41% reaching the heights of 8cm.


Aviko is encouraging operators to switch up their chips and take the Super Longs Challenge by requesting a free sample and start seeing the shorter costs longer fries can deliver.


Providing operators with a real point of difference, Super Longs are available in two variants – original Super Longs and Skin-On Super Longs. Meeting the trend for authenticity, the Skin-On Super Longs offer a homemade feel and are supplied frozen in two cut sizes – 9.5mm & thicker 11mm, alongside the original Super Longs available in cuts of 7.4mm and 9.5mm both great for fast food restaurants & pubs.


*Savings are calculated on operators selling 200 cases of fries per month, providing a total saving of £7,800 per year.


For more product information on Aviko’s extensive range call 0800 633 5611 or visit

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