We at Lamb Weston are chuffed to bits to be your industry-leading, creative, passionate partner in potatoes. And what an incredible industry it is, filled with the most talented, dedicated, hardworking people – you’re truly awesome!
But we know it’s not an easy ride. Working conditions in the hospitality sector are a breeding ground for psychological issues, brought about by high levels of stress, anxiety, depression, alcohol and drug abuse, and not forgetting the impact that long working hours and stressful working conditions have on personal relationships with friends and families. And that’s never truer than in these most difficult, pandemic times.
That’s why we’re proud to announce our sponsorship of “The Burnt Chef Journal” – a new podcast series focusing on mental health, from innovative and much needed The Burnt Chef Project.
We partnered with the project, which was created last year, to care for the mental health of workers and fight burnout in the hospitality sector. Nearly 4 in 5 people in hospitality in the UK are likely to suffer ill mental health, research by the project shows.
So at Lamb Weston, we’re proud to be first in the industry to drive awareness of the problem – reaching out, creating awareness, putting a stop to stigma and the silence around it. We’re in this together and mental health has never been more important than now as our industry struggles through…
Lamb Weston – more than just partners in potatoes, helping to fight burnout in hospitality.
Join us in the fightback; listen to the latest podcasts straight from the heat of the kitchen. Our first joint podcast will be with Kirk Haworth.
For information about the Burnt Chef Project visit www.theburntchefproject.com
Keep on frying!
All the best from all Lamb Westoners