Health and Safety Conference 2022
Workplace Transport Section
We were delighted to welcome all delegates to our first face to face Health & Safety conference since 2019. At the conference we tackled the topics of workplace transport, mental health, road risk, resilience and determination through our strong programme of thought provoking speakers.
The pandemic has caused extended hours for drivers and operators, with workplace transport is still the second cause of fatal injuries at work in GB. Our inspirational speakers Lisa Ramos and David Garton started the day by outlining their journey. In 2006, Lisa was hit by a forklift truck, not only did this change Lisa’s life, but that of her husband Dave and son Kieran. We then continued with the theme of forklift safety where Stuart Taylor from Mentor training visited the 7 deadly sins of fork-lift trucks. To conclude the first session, we were joined by Mark Liddle an HSE Scientist from their Research Division.
Following a short break, D.tec started the next session and discussed the management of drugs and alcohol in the workplace for operators and drivers. Following this Vue brought us up to speed with the latest on vehicle and forklift safety innovation in managing workplace transport.
Mark Liddle
HSE Scientist - Research Division
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Mental Health and Wellbeing Section
We then explored the topic of Mental Health & Wellbeing with Alexis-Powell Howard the director of Fortis opening up the session with practical ways for employers to manage mental health within the workplace. Neil Catton who is part of the IOSH presidential team and director of Sterling Risk Services shared a personal story around mental health.
Paul Duncalf Head of Health & Safety for Sysco took the delegates up to lunch with an initiative they have implemented which was designed to encourage dialogue and discussion on mental health between colleagues at work.
Road Risk Section
After lunch we looked at dock loading safety and were joined by Rite Hite with loading dock safety technology. Sue Rowland from Sysco then provided a practical solution they have developed in dock loading safety and key control.
In terms of work-related road risk, the industry is still experiencing a driver shortage and fatalities reported in 2019 showed 66 goods vehicle fatalities (including heavy and light goods vehicles) this does not include drivers of company cars. Cristina Tanner from the road risk charity Brake UK told us more.