Technical & Legislative Expert Group
The Technical & Legislative Expert Group maintains scrutiny of incoming information regarding legislative and technical developments from Brussels, the UK and other sources. The Expert Group informs and advises the Board to assist with determining Federation policy in technical and legislative areas.
Uniquely, members of this Expert Group represent the whole frozen food supply chain including imports, production, wholesaling and retailing. Their assessment of the impact of forthcoming legislation enables effective lobbying and influence in matters which could otherwise adversely affect member companies commercially and from a legal compliance perspective. The Group also provides expertise, guidance and oversight of BFFF technical and regulatory guidance including our Primary Authority assured advice.
Membership of the Expert Group is eligible to member companies whose representatives can demonstrate technical knowledge and overall expertise in the frozen food sector and have substantial experience at a senior level within the industry. If you are interested in becoming more involved, please contact Denise Rion on or call 01400 283094.