WAGNER Group GmbH is one of this year’s top innovators and has been awarded the TOP 100 Seal 2023 for its innovation work. The quality seal, which is awarded every year on behalf of compamedia GmbH, honors the most innovative medium sized companies in Germany. At the official award ceremony in June 2023, the companies will be honored in person by science journalist and mentor of the competition, Ranga Yogeshwar.
The TOP 100 seal is the only independent, scientific award for innovation management in Germany and is being awarded for the 30th time this year. Medium sized companies are evaluated in the three size categories of up to 50, 51 to 200 and more than 200 employees in order to give all applicants the same opportunity. With around 700 employees worldwide, 590 of them in Germany, WAGNER entered the competition in the biggest size category.
An expert jury, consisting of Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke from the Institute for Entrepreneurship & Innovation at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration and his team, assesses the innovative strength on the basis of more than 100 test criteria in the five categories of innovation-promoting top management, innovation climate, innovative processes and organization, external orientation/open innovation and innovation success. The main focus is on whether innovations are the result of a systematic approach or a product of chance. Future viability on the market is also considered an important decision criterion for the award.
“The sustainable development of future-oriented innovations is an important part of our corporate strategy WAGNER.2026. Thanks to our creative and imaginative minds, as well as thorough research and lived customer proximity, we have been able to maintain our leading position in fire protection to this day,” says graduate engineer Torsten Wagner, Managing Director and Partner of WAGNER Group GmbH, pleased about the appreciation by the award of the TOP 100 distinction. “Despite difficult market conditions in recent years, we have continuously developed our trend-setting technologies. For this reason, we are pleased that our innovative spirit has been rewarded. At the same time, the award is an incentive to continue focusing on our innovation work in the future,” adds Torsten Wagner.