BMG, an independent research organisation, are gathering feedback on behalf of the consultancy RSK ADAS, who are undertaking an important study for the UK Government’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA).
DEFRA wish to understand the impact, particularly relating to cost, of new food labelling requirements on businesses, and we believe that your business can provide very valuable input on this subject. Your participation will help DEFRA understand what support it can provide to businesses who are having to make changes to meet new regulations and standards.
Ideally the feedback should be from someone within your business who has responsibility for making decisions relating to the design of your food and drink products’ labels or has detailed knowledge of costs relating to labelling activity.
The survey link below provides you or someone else within your business with the opportunity to respond quickly and easily. It should only take no more than around 15 minutes, and you can pause and come back to the questions later if you need to.
Taking part is voluntary, anonymous and confidential, and you can withdraw from the research at any time. Although BMG will ask you to identify your business, this is for their information only – to ensure that the survey is only completed once by a business and to avoid any unnecessary further contact to encourage survey completion. DEFRA will not know whether you took part and will not be able to identify your individual answers in the data reported to them. Whether you decide to take part or not, it will not affect how DEFRA works with you, now or in the future.
BMG is an independent research company and is bound by the Market Research Society Code of Conduct and the Data Protection Act. You can find our privacy notice here: www.bmgresearch.co.uk/privacy/
If you’d prefer, we can arrange an appointment for a call to go through the survey questions over the telephone. Please contact us if that is the case, or if you have any other query at: help_line@bmgresearch.com
Please complete your returns by close on Friday the 9th of August.