To prepare businesses for the implementation of the packaging EPR scheme, all four UK administrations have now published the first in a series of illustrative base fees.
You can access the illustrative base fees on gov.uk.
Defra ask that businesses read through the full information published on gov.uk.
Join the EPR Fees webinar. Add this link to your calendar and join on Tuesday 20 August 2pm – 3pm to find out more
This webinar will be an opportunity for stakeholders to ask in-depth questions, relay feedback, and receive details on further opportunities for engaging with Government on matters relating to the published EPR illustrative base fees.
Once you have read the guidance and if you still have questions, you can submit these through the mailbox. Defra have stated that they will aim to answer these within the webinar presentation.
This webinar is for those businesses that are obligated under EPR for packaging
Please note that this is a technical webinar and will only cover detail about the published EPR illustrative base fees.
This webinar has been scheduled through Microsoft Live. You do not need to register for this webinar, just access via the above link. You will be in a waiting room until the webinar starts.
You can also join the next Resources and Waste Joint Engagement Forum
Date: Monday 19 August Time: 2pm to 3.30pm
This will cover an introduction to Circular Economy, a programme delivery update, EPR illustrative base fees and much more.
This forum has also been scheduled through Microsoft Live, and once again you do not need to register. You will be in a waiting room until the forum starts.
Simply add this link to your calendar and join at 2pm on Monday 19 August.